JoSVAS publishes original, peer reviewed research pertaining to the veterinary sciences and the applications of these sciences. Its areas of coverage include the following subject areas:

Animal Reproduction, Animal Production, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Animal nutrition, Basic and Applied Animal Biology, Pharmacology, Bacteriology, Molecular Biology, Parasitology, Pathology, Virology, Immunology, Mycology, Public Health,  Meat Science, Surgery, Genetics, Zoonotic, Emerging Infections and Epidemiology etc.


Research Articles: original research

Review Articles:  On topical issues related to the theme of the Journal.

Case Reports: Case reports should be concise and no longer than 3-5 printed pages. 

Short Communications:  The style of main sections needs not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 3 printed pages.

Letter to Editors: This is normally written by the author or on invitation. It should contain a maximum of 800 words.

Book Review: This is critical analysis and evaluation of the quality, meaning and significance of a short book relevance to the theme of JoSVAS and author needs to notify EIC.


Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors designated as the corresponding author. The submission will be assumed to have the full approval of all co-authors. The corresponding author shall be notified on the peer review process, effect all corrections and responsible for the re-submission of the corrected manuscript. All submission should be made through the journal website http:/ or


All manuscripts must be submitted with a completed Declaration Statement Form to the Editor-in-Chief of JoSVAS by the corresponding author together with the manuscript.


JoSVAS would consider papers written in British English. Non-edited manuscripts could be rejected prior to peer-review. Manuscripts that do not conform to the journal manuscript preparation style will be returned for compliance. The main manuscript, excluding tables and figures should be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document (as .doc or .docx file).

The category of article being submitted must be clearly stated on the title page.  The manuscript must be typed in Times New Roman font 12, with 1.5 spacing, margins of 2.50 cm, blocked paragraphs and observing the structure specified below.

Authorship:  The order of authorship should be a joint decision of the co-authors. The authors must certify that their manuscript(s) are their original work and that it has not previously been published elsewhere nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Units of Measurement: the use of the international system of units (SI) is encouraged.

Figures: Figures shall include photographs, illustrations and graphs. Grey-scale or colored photo- micrographs should be sharp and saved as a .jpeg or TIFF and sent as a separate file. Each figure will have an overall width of no more than 8.5 cm and be drawn on pages 17.5 cm wide. Ensure that figures are numbered consecutively in roman numerals and each figure has a caption. Photomicrographs must state the magnification.

Tables: Tables should be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document (as .doc or .docx file). Tables should contain essential data not given in the text. Statistics must be enclosed. Number tables consecutively in roman numerals in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place titles above the tables and footnotes below the table. No vertical lines should be used.

Ethical Considerations: When reporting experiments on animals indicate whether the respective legislative provisions on the care and use of animals were observed and approvals obtained.


Each manuscript should be thematically complete. Serialization is discouraged. Articles should be divided into sub-sections with the following headings:

Each heading should appear on its own separate line (in Bold, lower-case letters), with one blank line above and below.

TITLE PAGE: This must be on a distinct page. The paper should be headed with the full title, (BOLD, UPPER-CASE letters, size 14, centered) which should accurately and concisely describe the topic in no more than 20 words. The surname(s) and initials of the author(s), as well as superscript lowercase alphabets to delineate affiliation(s), should follow each author’s names. In another line, the affiliation of the author(s) should be indicated.

ABSTRACT: Should be maximum of 250 words. It should briefly incorporate the purpose and relevance to veterinary and/or allied sciences of the study, basic procedures, the main findings, and principal conclusions.

Key words: made of three to seven words in alphabetical order and in lower case.

INTRODUCTION: This should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem, justification, aims and objectives of the experiments, alongside a brief review of literature pertaining to the type of work. 

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Describe the selection of obser­vational or experimental subjects (including controls) clearly. Identify the age, sex, health status, and other important characteristics of the subjects. Identify the methods, apparatus (with the manufacturer’s name, address and sensitivity in parentheses), and procedures in sufficient detail for others to reproduce the experiment. Provide references for established methods. Describe new or substantially modified methods in full, give reasons for using them, and evaluate their limita­tions. This may have subsections.

RESULTS: These should be as succinct as possible and presented in a logical sequence in the text, with figures and tables. Results of statistical analysis (level of significance) should be provided in the tables where appropriate

DISCUSSION: In JoSVAS, emphases are solicited from new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them. Do not repeat in detail data or other material given in the introduction or the results sections. Include in the discussion section the implications of the findings, any limitations, together with their significance for future research.

CONCLUSIONS: In JoSVAS, author(s) are expected to link the conclusions with the aims of their study, avoiding unqualified statements and conclusions, not entirely supported by the data presented. Recommendations, when appropriate, may be included.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Those who have given moral support, financial assistance, funding (put code) supplied equipment or research materials, or language editing, general supervision, technical assis­tance, etc., and do not qualify to be authors should be recognized in the acknowledgement.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors will be requested to indicate their conflict of interest or state. Where there is none, they should clearly state so.

REFERENCES (Research articles, Short communication, Reviews, Case studies): JoSVAS advocates the use of American Psychological Association (APA) reference style. All entries in the reference list must correspond to the references in the text and vice versa.

To download and read guidelines for APA referencing kindly visit

In-text Citations

One Author: Ejike (2009) in a statement or (Ejike, 2009)

Two authors: (Ejike & Ugwu, 2009).

Three or More authors: (Ejike et al., 2009) Ejike et al. (2009)

Citing authors with multiple works from one year: (Ejike, 2009a) Or (Ejike, 2009b).

If citing a secondary source: Lorke (1980) as cited in Ejike (2009) Or (Lorke, 1980, as cited in Ejike, 2009)

Reference List

Journal Article Examples: Kapoor, B.G. (1957). Oral valves of teleosts. Japan Journal of Ichthyology, 5, 127-131.

Madukwe, J.A. (2011). African Catfish: Why is it so important. Nutrition Revisited, 73(4), 181-195. Retrieved from

Book referencing examples:  Ejike, C.E. & Ugwu, C.E (2001). Seeing is believing: A historical overview of prions (2nd ed.). San Jose, Costa Rica: My Publisher

Edited book example: Raheem, A.K. (Ed.). (2015). An introduction to veterinary obstetrics (3rd ed.). New York, NY: My Publisher

Edited book chapter example: Troy, B.N. (2015). APA citation rules. In S.T, Williams (Ed.). A guide to citation rules (2nd ed., pp. 50-95). New York, NY: Publishers.

E-Book example:

Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A guide to citation. Retrieved from

E-Book chapter example:

Troy, B.N. (2015). APA citation rules. In S.T, Williams (Ed.). A guide to citation rules (2nd ed., pp. 50-95). Retrieved from


Sometimes, article withdrawal/removal or replacement occurs when articles are submitted twice or to multiple journals, when the texts may represent infringements of the ethical codes, plagiarism and other fraudulent use of data.

Sometimes, editors may have to completely remove articles or texts from the online database of the journal where the article infringes legal rights of other individuals, is defamatory or there is a court order that imposes such a decision.

There will be a replacement fee which will be 50 % of the page charge of the original article to correct substantial errors.

Article that is already in press attracts a withdrawal fee which is 50 % of the total page charge of the manuscript.


JoSVAS publishes articles following a blind peer review (three reviewers chosen by the editorial board) to uphold the standards of its publications with respect to their originality, relevance to veterinary medicine and allied disciplines, a clear statement of hypothesis, appropriate experimental design, and completeness of methods, logical and comprehensive discussion and data-supported conclusions

Manuscripts adjudged to be of insufficient quality or unlikely to be competitive enough for publication in JoSVAS will be rejected following an initial editorial review. The manuscripts that are successful will undergo a thorough review process, and possible decisions will include: accept as it is, accept after minor corrections, major revision required, or reject manuscript. Articles that require revision MUST be submitted in not more than 30 days.90 days for minor/major revision respectively. Such revision must contain clear response to all queries raised by the reviewers. There is a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) in JoSVAS.


Publication fee: There is no processing fee before submission. A flat rate of publication charge of N25,000 ($100) is payable after acceptance of standard manuscript of six printed pages. An extra amount is incurred for additional printed pages and for every printed colour page. Copies are mandatory for all authors at a cost with exception of led author who has a complimentary copy. This is necessary to sustain the printing of hard copies. 

Galley Proof: PDF proof shall be sent to the corresponding author electronically. The author is expected to proof read and accept or correct the proof within one week.

TAKE NOTE: If you sent your manuscript to JoSVAS and we do not acknowledge your manuscript with an ID number within 48 hours, please send us a SMS.


All enquiries about the Journal should be directed to;  or visit http:/ 

Professor MC Ezeibe – Editor-in-Chief (08138765566)

Dr CS Ibe – Deputy Editor-in-Chief (08032882105)

Dr KA Raheem- Managing Editor (09031310693)